Lysis To Kill 1.1 (1516 views)
So, whilst uploading my software to GitHub, I also came across the new Android Studio. I must admit, it's a far more streamlined workflow than the usual option of using Eclipse and the ADT plugin.
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Tags: lysis kill update software android
EU Cookie Law Takes The Biscuit (1369 views)
For the web developers among you, I should imagine you just shuddered, or stifled an urge to vomit/spit/scream. Well, I empathise with your feelings on the new EU Cookie Law.
Well, despite the dilute
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Tags: eu cookie law consent privacy ICO data protection free software
Donation? Seriously? (1393 views)
I know, a new addition, so thought I'd talk a little about it.
As a student, I just manage to keep myself afloat with the odd private client. I've been a fan of Linux for some time, and love the conc
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Tags: donation free software philosophy linux
Welcome! (1427 views)
So, new website, new blog. To see my old entries, head over to
Meanwhile, browse around the new site, download some software and make yourself at home!
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Tags: new site blog welcome software